Saturday 22 October 2011

Bengali/Indian Race Vs Aryan Race

Bengali/Indian Race Vs Aryan Race
By Dr. K.K. Debnath (
In this article an attempt has been made to find out who are Indians and in particular Bengalis? Are they outsiders and descendents of certain Aryan Rishis?  Who are Aryans?
The author has only tried to compile the opinions and findings of modern historians and researchers. Based on these findings, an analytical study has been made and co-relation has been established among all the various issues pertaining to Indian/Bengali race.

Introduction: The history of a society or a community of people at a certain place is identified by the general features of the people, their language, religion, culture and its social and political system. This cannot be identified in isolation by language only or by religion only or by its culture independently. Therefore, the history of India will remain incomplete, if certain conclusion is made based on certain issue independently. Hence, all the issues as stated above (viz. Location of the place, feature of the people Language, culture, religion, social system, political system, food habits etc) are necessary to be studied and analyzed together to arrive at a certain inference.
If the outcomes of an analysis on all, the issues are found to be different, contrary on many accounts and no definite conclusion can be made.  In case, some issues converge and some diverges, the conclusion becomes contradictory. But if the result of analysis of all the issue converges to a certain point logically, then the outcome becomes conclusive.
Keeping these points in mind, a study has been made on the history of India/Bengal from the ancient period to Islamic period. All these issues have been described and analyzed in this article. The study has been made based on various historical information and records as described by prominent historians, researchers and other intellectuals.
In this article, author has not brought out any new findings. The author has only tried to compile the opinions and findings of modern historians and researchers. Based on these findings an analytical study has been made and co-relation has been established among all the various issues pertaining to Indian/Bengali civilization

Present Popular Theory: Various historical elaboration and indications in script and archival evidences point to some startling revelations about the original inhabitants of Bengal and their status in the then distinctive social community status. These references colossally indicate that the original inhabitants of India/Bengal belonged to Kol, Sabar, Hari, Dom, Pulind, and Chandal tribe who were addressed en masse as Dravidians. This clan of Dravidians in the larger division of the then Community based caste system was recognized or rather positioned in the lower stratum of the society or commonly inferred as low caste. Present day they all belong to schedule caste category as per the Laws of Hinduism.
Taking further cue from the subject, the documented archives mention about the other mass that attribute themselves to the higher caste, referred as the descendent of Noble Aryans, who migrated around 15th century BC from Central Asia to India. The corroboration of this facts are further impressed upon, if one connects it through ancient practices or birth legacies such as Gotra, where Clan/lineages are attached with birth of a person that identifies the descendence of a person, since time immemorial .In the subject under discussion above, the Gotras clearly link certain race/clan of people to the Aryan Sage, on whose name the Gotras are defined.
From the beginning of our childhood, we were told and studied that Indians were of Aryan origin and we were taught to believe the above theory. We were also taught to believe that our ancestors' i.e. Aryans were a great noble race, who migrated to India from central Asia. The archival scripts trace the origin of the north Indians language including Hindi/Bengali which they affirm as derivative of Aryan Language Samaskrita, supporting the basis of origin as proclaimed above
While some historians are of the opinion that they actually migrated from Caucasian region around Danube River via Northwest frontier country like, Iran and Afghanistan. Their initial settlement in India was around Sindhu river valley. This migration and settlements took place around 1500 BC.
These Aryans were not believers of idol worship and used to invoke various Gods through yagnas. Their religion was known as Vedic religion and the society was administered by the scriptures (Smrities) of Vedas.                                                            
Physically they were very fair, tall and of good features. Their males were very handsome and female were extremely beautiful. Their Language was Deva-Bhasha Samaskrita and the Script was Deva-Nagari script.
It narrate further that the high caste Indians are referred to a different race from the aboriginal inhabitants of India. The document teaches that they are mixed race of Aryan male and Non-Aryan or aboriginal Indian Dravidian female. These high caste people use “Gotra”, which identifies their original ancestor. Out of the many Gotras in vogue, the pravara is found only seven. The pravara is nothing but the name of Rishi (origin). These seven Rishis are of Aryan stock, and entire Indian populations of higher caste are the descendent of them, through non-Aryan females.
These were some of the important points we were taught to believe from our child hood days.
Who are Aryans?
The credit to bring the race “Aryan” in to history of civilization of mankind goes to Prof. Max Mauler. A German by blood, he was appointed as professor to teach the English officers, who were to be posted to India, during Christian rule of Europeans in India.
Until 18th century AD, Europeans were of the belief that the origin of entire European civilization was Greece. However, during 18th century it was proved by historians that Greece was originally a colony of “Blacks”. This gave a very big blow to their belief on the origin of their civilization.
This discovery was not easily palpable for admission by Europeans, as they never dreamt that Greece was a colony of Blacks. This forced them to find out a suitable theory to trace their origin.
Finally, Prof Max Mauler came out with the theory that Central Asia was the inhabitant of Aryans. While migrating from there, one group came towards India, while other groups migrated to Europe, through Iran and Arabian countries and the pure Aryan settled at German and Nordic countries. During this migration they killed the entire population of the countries, through which the moved. Thus the entire populations of blacks in those countries were perished.
When Prof. Maxmular was asked; who are original Aryans are? And his reply was “we the Nordic Aryans”. This theory also instigated the feelings of Hitler of Germany, which motivated him to establish the Aryan rule throughout the world. The present nemeses are that they were very cruel, and known as the destroyer of civilization. They are also termed as Barbarian.
It is well known that Egyptian civilization is the oldest civilization. The Egyptians used to call these new emigrants as Aryans. In course of time, some of them became the followers of Sun God like Egyptians, they became to be known as “Sun Aryans” and later on only as “Su Arian” and finally as “Saurian”. The others were used to be called as “Assyrians”. The place of their settlements became to be known as “Asia”. In course of time the entire land mass including east of their settlement (present Arabian/Iranian countries) also were known as “Asia”.
The same way “Hindustan” or “India” was defined. The original Hindustan is present Pakistan and part of Afghanistan (Sara Swat river Valley). However, the entire land mass east of original Hindustan was also named as “Hindustan”.
 Exactly the same way, the ancient “Bengal/Banga Desha” was defined. The original Bengal started from Dwar Banga/Mithila, Dwar Banga means gate way of Bangadesha and thus entire plane land mass at the east of Mithila was named as Bengal. The ancient Jain Literature says “there was a city by name Mithila of Banga Desha, where Lord Nemi Nath (22nd Tirthamkar of Jains) was born”.
Let us look at the theory of Max Mauler of language of Sanskrit. According to him, Sanskrit is the mother of all language of Indian Language. All the words of other languages are a derivative of Sanskrit words.
 Therefore, Krishna became Kanha and finally to Kanai.Chandra became Chanda and finally to Chand. Hasta become Hattha and finally become Haath.        
Now let us use the same methodology of Prof. Max Mauler with the word “Aryan”.
The word “Aryana” came from “Aryan”, Aryana was the ancient name of Afghanistan. Others are shown bellow:
Aryan >> Airan >> Iran (present Iran),
Aryan >> Airan >> Airav >> Arab,
Aryan >> Airan >> Airav >> Airaq >> Iraq,
Aryan >> Airav >> Airap >> Airop >> Airope >> Europe and
Sun Arian >> Su nArya >> Su arya >> Souria >> Syria etc.
Iranian Kings used to call themselves as “Aryan’.
These Aryans used to call the mountain which divides their place of settlements with further eastern countries as “Sindhu Kush Mountain” and the great river that flows in the valley was named as “Sindhu River”. And the people were called as “Sindhu”. Their society was male dominated and the mightiness of the river Sindhu made it named as Male River. However, The Iranians of later date were pronouncing Sindhu as Hindu, so all  names were pronounced as “Hindu Kush Mountain”, “Hindu  River”, “Hindustan”,” Hindu Bag” etc. All these are now part of present Pakistan.
From the above, it is clear that Hindustan could not become “Aryastan”, due to the obvious reason of inconsistency/discontinuity in naming.

Historical Facts
I) Invasions from Outside:
As far as Indian history is concerned, the North West part of Hindustan (Punjab area) was a province of Iranian Kingdom from 558 BC.
The north western part of India (Punjab and further western part) was a part of Iran and was ruled by various Iranian kings; e.g. Cyrus (Kurush, 558 BC to 530 BC; Cambyses I (Kaambujiya I), Cyrus II (Kurush II), Cambyses II (Kaambujiya II)  from 530 BC to 522 BC; Darius I (Daaraayavaush) from 522 BC to 486 BC; Xerxes (Khshayaarshaa) from 486 BC to 465 BC,  and  at last under Darius  III Kondomannos,  until the fall of Iranian empire due to  invasion of Greek King Alexander.
Greek occupied the area by 326 BC and ruled up to 321 BC and thereafter these areas were ruled by Mouryas from 321 BC from Magadha.
Later on, the area consisting of Afghanistan and Punjab were ruled by Bacterian (Balkan area) Greeks, Sakas, Scythians, Parthians, Pallavas, Kushans (Mongols/Tartars) , Huns (Mongols), Shahiyas/Sahis (Afghanis), etc. These people used to claim that they were the rulers of Ariana (Afghanistan and adjoin parts of Iran, Uzbekistan etc)) and Hindustan. All these people settled at Ariana and Hindustan but Hindustan was separately mentioned.
In due course they all embraced Buddhism and assimilated with the local/previous settlers leaving their Aryan Faith (what is that???).
At a later date, Hindustan was invaded by the next generation people from central Asian countries and other Asian countries of Aryan settlements, but this time the religion of those Aryans became Islam. Thus the North West part of Hindustan was ruled by Aryans from 558 BC until the arrival of Aryans from Europe, having Christian faith. And the same continued up to 14th August, 1947, except periods of Mouryas and Guptas of Pataliputra.
II) Migrations of outsiders
When a group of people peacefully come and get settled in another country, the situation becomes different, as can be seen form following facts.
The Jews had migrated to India during 1st century AD at Cochin, Kerala; but so far one can hardly find a mixed blood of Keralite mother and Jews father. The religion of Jews is Judaism, and neither have they embraced Islam nor any Indian religion in spite of living in India for more than 2000 yrs.
The Persians/Iranians migrated to India during 5th century AD, and now they are spread all over India. They are known as Parsi. Even today they are living in India as a separate community with their religion as Parsi. They have neither converted nor embraced Islam nor any Indian religion, even though they are living in India for more than 1500 years.
 When such is the case, is it believable that an Aryan boy, who was fair and handsome, would marry a dark complexioned Dravidian girl?
All the above are established facts and prove beyond doubt that it would not have been easy to change the blood and faith of Indians, contrary to what Max Mauler had advocated.
Even today, the discrimination in South Africa between Blacks and Whites are noticeable. The same features are seen in United States of America, the most liberal country in the World.
Further to this, if we look at Indian society, we find a word by name “GOTRAM”. All the people of higher caste will have some Gotra (lineage). Gotra is identification, that the person is a descendent of that particular Rishi. Marriage is also prohibited in the same Gotra, as in such case bride and grooms are treated as brother and sister, because they both are the descendent of same person. There are various Gotras available; however pravara or origin is from seven Risis. They are honored as “Saptarshi”.
If there were Aryan settlements in Hindustan by marriage, then there would be many more Aryans, they must be in more than thousands. Besides this, where are the descendents of those Aryan kings and other common Aryans?
Next, these seven Rishis were great sages, and greatest intellectuals of their time. Hence, they would have concentrated on the development of policies for the society and other spiritual activities.
Did they travel all over Hindustan to create their descendents instead of intellectual work and every family offered their womenfolk for this purpose? Is it believable? It should be treated as a sin, if we even dream of it; because it can not be true as they are our greatest intellectuals and people of Hindustan are being guided even today through their great thoughts.
Under such circumstances, how it is possible?  Do the Gotra system was used for different purpose?
 III) Vedic Cultural centers in India:
In Vedic society, Brahmins occupy the highest position in the social structure from the Vedic era. The Brahmins are classified under five categories according to their place of origins. These five categories are Utkal Brahmins, Goudia Brahmins, Maithili Brahmins, Kanauji Brahmins and Sara Swat Brahmins. The places of domicile of these Brahmins were at Puri, located at Orissa (eastern India); Gouda/Gouda, ancient capital of Bangadesha (eastern India); Mithila of ancient Banga desh (presently in Bihar, eastern India); Kanauj between Allahabad and Kanpur of UP (central India) and Sara Swat of Punjab.  There is no mention of domicile of these Brahmins either in   Ariana (Afghanistan) or in any where outside India./Hindu Kush Mountain.

Analyses On Above>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
I) Invasions from Aryans 
Why Aryan invaders/settlers embraced Buddhism?
Possibilities are as follows:
1)    They might not have a superior civilization.
2)    They had embraced Buddhism and encouraged the society to be governed in Buddhist way in place of Vedic religion. However, these Aryans did not embrace Vedic religion, as Vedic religion, even though a pre-Zorathrustian religion was the prevailing religion of Iran and surrounding areas at that time.
3)    At a later date, during the fall of Buddhism, they were migrated to Vedic religion. Towards this a big Yagna was made at Mount Abu and they were brought under Vedic religion. Their caste was named as “Rajput”, and five clans were established, and they are Pratihar, Chouhan, Solanki/Sisodia, Tomar, and Parmer. Thus a new caste “Rajput” was introduced in Vedic social system. This was done to fight against the next generation invaders from central Asian/Iranian belts, who had got converted in to Islam by that time. Buddhists were non-believers and they were called by Islamic invaders as “Kaffir”, meaning-non believer. So all the non believers (Buddhists) were converted to Islam after their defeat at the hands of Islamic Invaders under Arab Khalifas.
The Rajput before conversion probably found Vedic religion being closer to Buddhist religion (since by that time ritual wise e.g. Tantra, Mantra and Yantra were practiced by Buddhist as well as by Vedic people). Thus they probably chose to embrace Vedic religion, to avoid the conversion into Islam and to fight unitedly against invasion of believers of Islamic faith. However, by that time all the Buddhists people of Present Pakistan and Afghanistan were converted into Muslims, Few Vedic people were left out.
Thus for a period from 558 BC to 1947 AD, Ariana and part of north western Hindustan were ruled partly/fully by Aryans, if we believe Max Mauler. The total number of years ruled by known Aryans is almost 2605 years.
The interesting part is that during this known period of 2605 years; the Indian blood did not get polluted by these Aryans. Prior to that, history is unknown and there could be possibility of pilferation / recording of hypothetical facts by anyone based on assumption or intention that would have found a place in documented history. One such probability could point to Max Mauler theory that Aryans came to India as an invader and settled in India after defeating them. Indian education/history was at very infancy stage during the Christian Aryan rules, and therefore, Indians were easily impressed and got convinced by them, whatever they said.
It is very unfortunate that, we Indians/Hindus are yet to get into the depth of the nemesis of Max Mauler and views other Western Scholars and have widely seem to have accepted it.
Further to this, there is a natural phenomenon and the logic is simple to prove  without going to any historical evidences that Indians are not of Aryan stock explained as under:.
We are experiencing on our day to day life that, usually a handsome boy of elite family do not get married to girl of black complexion of non-elite family.
 However the reverse is traceable in plenty. A boy of non-elite family, when becomes influential/rich/powerful can get a girl in marriage from elite family. We can see this set of example throughout the World.
 If we look back to our Indian history, we find Chandragupta Mourya married to the sister of Greek General Selukas, and his son later on married to the daughter of Selukas. Innumerable historical narrations are available that in ancient period, during a battle, the first target of winning side was looting of beautiful women folk of the defeated side. There are many historical facts are available in Indian history, when Indians expanded their kingdom towards north and north western side.
II) Analysis on Migrations of outsiders
Case I: The Jews had migrated to India during 1st century AD at Cochin, Kerala; and their religion is known as Judaism. They are living in India for more than 2000 yrs. However, they neither could pollute the blood of Keralites nor they have embraced Islam nor of any Indian religion.
Case II: The Persians/Iranians migrated to India during 5th century AD, and now they have been spread all over India. They are known as Parsi. Even today they are living in India as a separate community with their religion as Parsi. They have neither converted nor embraced Islam nor any Indian religion, even though they are living more than 1500 years.
These migrated settlers to India also did not pollute the blood of Indians.
When such is the case, is it believable that an Aryan boy, who was very fair and handsome, would marry a dark complexioned Dravidian girl?
 Even today, the discrimination in South Africa between Blacks and Whites are noticeable. The same features are seen in United States of America, the most liberal country in the World.
Further to this, if we look at Indian society, we find a word by name “GOTRAM”. All the people of higher caste will have some Gotra (linage). Gotra is identification, that the person is a descendent of that particular Rishi. Marriage is also prohibited in the same Gotra, as in such case bride and grooms are treated as brother and sister, because they both are the descendent of same person. There are various Gotras available; however pravara or origin is from seven Risis. They are honored as “Saptarshi”.
Now question arises that  are described bellow:
1) If there were Aryan settlements in Hindustan by marriage, then there would be many more Aryans, they must be in more than thousands. Being such a case, where are the descendents of others (Aryan kings and other common Aryans)?
2) These seven Rishis were great sages, and greatest intellectuals of their time. Hence, they would have concentrated on the development of policies for the society and other spiritual activities.
Did they travel all over Hindustan to create their descendents instead of intellectual work and every family offered their womenfolk for this purpose? Is it believable?
With due respect, definitely they were not. We respect them as our greatest intellectuals and who guided the people of Hindustan. Even today we are being guided through their great thoughts. It should be treated as a sin, if we even dream of it.
Under such circumstances, how it is possible?  Do the Gotra system was used for different purpose?

III) Analysis on the locations of the origins of   Intellectual Indians
It is seen that out of five categories of Brahmins (highest category among Indians), three categories were originated in eastern part of India and one at central part while the last one was from Punjab belt of undivided India.
We should remember that the spiritual part of Veda is called as “Sruti” and temporal part of Veda is called as “Smriti”. This is due to the fact that scripts were not invented and Brahmins used to memorize by chanting in a particular way (known as Chandas) through listening to their Gurus, as script was not invented in India because Vedic people were not familiar on scripts. Contrary to this theory, historians have found evidences that Aryans were familiar with the script earlier to the compilation of Vedas. Therefore, if Indians/Bengalis are the off shoots of Aryans, Sruti and Smriti procedure would not be used to remember Vedas,
We should not forget Valmiki of Ramayana is the “Adi Kavi” was from east India. Next Mahabharata compiled by Veda Vaysa and written by Ganesha and both were native Indians belonging to Ganga Yamuna River Valley.
             A classic example of Aryan phobia in India             
Religion of the  Royal family and commoners of  Cooch Bihar : During the British period,  while modern Indian education system was at very infancy stage, the Aryan theory was injected so much to Indian people, that Indian intellectuals actually started believing the British theory, and all higher caste people not only accepted their theory but they become their propaganda officials. It had affected our religious thoughts in such a manner that, all religious leaders believed and accepted that Aryans were the originators of Vedas. However, to prove that Indians were superior to Europeans, many of the Indian thinkers propagated that India was the native land of Aryans and from here only they migrated to other countries. They started calling India as “Aryavarta”. In fact there is no mention of the name “ARYAVARTA” in entire Vedic literatures.
This phobia made Indians to link themselves with Aryan race by hook or by crook. A classic case is the history of Cooch tribe of North eastern part of present India. The ancient Cooch country was consisting of present north Bengal, Northern part of present Bangladesh and western part of present Assam from Guwahati. Their physical characteristics are close to Bengalis, Bhutanese and Nepalese. They look like Mongoloid origin.
During this British period, one of Cooch literator Panchanan Pandit invited Bramhins from Varanasi and other places of India and performed a very big Yagna on the bank of river “Torsa”. At that Yagna the Brahmins declared that Cooch race was of Aryan stock, their society and castes were defined in accordance with Vedic Sastras. From that day the Cooch people stated wearing of Yogna-Upabita, in line with Bramhins. Their Gotra was defined as “Kashyap Gotra”. To concretize their theory, a beautiful story was compiled .According to that story, Coochs are the descendents of King Dasarath, father of Rama of Solar dynasty. They fled from their original inhabitant place to Cooch Bihar in order to escape from the wrath of Lord Parasuram.
 The fact is that, there was no casteism among Cooch prior to that event prior to the introduction of Vedic religion to them. The historical facts says that their earliest known religion is Buddhism and the existence of huge  numbers of Mathas/Vihars in that country, made the Aryans of Islamic faith  to name the place as “Cooch Vihar”.
Their next royal religion was “Saivaism”, during those periods they built a lot of Saiva/Ishwara temples (viz. Baneshwar temple, Jalpeshwar temple etc).
Their next religion was “Saktism”, and became worshipper of Kali/Chandika/Durga etc. During this period, the built lot of Sakti/Kalika temples. The most famous among them was “Kamakhya Temple” of Guwahati of present Assam. This temple was renovated and built by them and priests from Nadia district of West Bengal were brought to administer the temple. They are known as “Parvatia Gosain”. Even today they are the priests of this temple.
In next phase, they embraced Vaishnavism and became devotees of Lord Krishna. During this period they established “Madan Mohon Temple” complex at Cooch Bihar town. Every year the “Raas Mela” in honour of Lord Krishna is being celebrated after Durga Puja or Dushera to commemorate the conversion from Saktism to Vaishnavism is celebrated there for a month.
A very peculiar thing can be observed (Hidden Clue) which is unique to Cooch Bihar. A very large chakra/wheel in the shape of a temple is made, and the opening of the grand festival is to be inaugurated by King by rotating that Chakra in a circular way. Now the district magistrate performs this ceremony in absence of the King. The interesting part is that, this chakra is being made by a Muslim family from the very beginning of ancient time. Though the Cooch people are no longer Buddhists, but they could not leave their glorious days of Buddhism and carrying their old tradition in a different way. The poor peasants of the state embraced Islam from Buddhism; however the kings did not change the carpenter family of that Chakra. The practice is in continuance even today.
The Last three generations were the followers of “Bramha religion”, founded by Maharaja Keshab Chandra Sen, Raja Ram Mohon Roy, Maharshi Devendra Nath Thakur (Father of Rabindra Nath Tagore). The Cooch King embraced Brahma religion after the marriage of Suniti Devi daughter of Maharaja Keshab Chandra Sen and Grand mother of Rajmata Gayatri Devi of Jaipur of Rajasthan. The royal family built a Bramha temple also at Cooch Bihar. However their western way of living and in their long absence at Cooch Bihar could not make the religion as the religion of common people. The present Cooch peoples are part of modern Hinduism with regular caste system
The same can be noticed among Assamese people. A similar thing was done at Rajasthan and whole lot of Rajasthanis was brought under Brahmanism (Vedic) fold from Buddhism.
This is the effect of Aryanization of Indians by intellectual Europeans.
       In such case, will it be fair that Vedic religion was brought by Aryans from outside India through north western frontier of India and Bengalis/Indians are the descendent of those Aryans? 

1 comment:

  1. The aryans were illiterate backwards and brutish barbaric horse nomads from the central asia steppes. They never came up with an original script or even a basic alphabet or numerical system. They did not create a single civilization of note in Central Asia and no megalithic structures, no art or architecture, no engineering, or mathmatics. They were the Huns and Mongols of the Ancient BC period and lived the exact same lifestlye as them.

    there was nothing noble about them....
